July 31st, 2024

'The Puggle Post'


"Wandong Primary School...Making a difference by developing confident, independent and resilient learners who strive for personal excellence."

What's on What's Due

JULY 2024
Wednesday 31st Scholastic Book Club - Issue 5 - Orders close today
Thursday 1st Foundation 100 Days
Thursday 1st 1/2 Grades Friends With Honey Incursion - Consent due
Friday 2nd National Green and Gold Day Dress Up
Friday 2nd Billie G's Cookie Dough DRIVE - orders are now open
Friday 9th Spare Change Challenge closes
Monday 12th - Friday 16th National Science Week in 2024
Tuesday 13th Community Connections Yoga Free Event for our School Community 9am -10am
Tuesday 13th 1/2 Grades Friends With Honey Incursion
Thursday 15th Working Bee - FS, 1/2H & 5/6C 2.30pm - 3.30pm Parents welcome
Friday 16th Curriculum Day - No Students โ€“ If your child requires care, please book in at https://theircare.com.au/
Monday 19th Launch Pad Program For Parents - Special evening for those with a submitted application 6pm - 7pm
Monday 19th - 23rd Book Week 2024 - Reading is Magic
Tuesday 20th Foundation Excursion - Animal Land - Consent/Payment due
Thursday 22nd Celebrating Writing: 8:40am - 9:10am (Classrooms)
Thursday 22nd Book Character Dress Up Parade: 9:30am - 10:00am (Basketball court)
Thursday 22nd - Monday 26th Book Fair: 8:30am - 9:00am & 3:30pm - 4:00pm (Library)
Friday 23rd Stronger, Higher, Faster, Together. WPS Tabloid Olympics
Friday 23rd Grade 5/6 Interschool Sport - Term 3 Tournament - Consent and Payment Due
Friday 23rd Billie G's Cookie Dough DRIVE orders closes today
Tuesday 27th Community Connections Yoga Free Event for our School Community 9am -10am
Wednesday 28th Father's Day Stall
Thursday 29th Father's Day Stall - Catch up day
Thursday 29th NAPLAN Award Ceremony for 3-6 Students in the Hall 2:30pm - 3:30pm
Sunday 1st Pizza Day orders close today
Tuesday 3rd Foundation Excursion - Animal Land
Wednesday 4th Foundation Water Safety Program - Consent due
Thursday 5th Pizza Day
Friday 6th Grade 5/6 Interschool Sport - Term 3 Tournament
Friday 6th Billie G's Cookie Dough pick up from AUSLAN room
Monday 9th - Friday 13th Foundation Water Safety Program
Tuesday 10th Community Connections Yoga Free Event for our School Community 9am -10am
Wednesday 11th PAFA Meeting - 9:15 am
Friday 13th Working Bee - FA, 1/2G, 5/6E 2.30pm- 3.30pm Parents welcome
Friday 20th Last Day Term 3
Saturday 21st World Gratitude Day
Monday 7th First Day Term 4
Friday 1st Foundation Day Camp - Consent and payment due today
Friday 1st Grade 1/2 Camp - Consent and payment due today
Friday 1st Grade 3/4 Camp - Consent and payment due today
Friday 1st Grade 5/6 Camp - Consent and payment due today
Monday 4th Curriculum Day - No Students โ€“ If your child requires care, please book in at https://theircare.com.au/
Friday 8th Working Bee - FC, 1/2W & 5/6B 2.30pm- 3.30pm Parents welcome
Monday 18th - Wednesday 20th Grade 3/4 Camp - Log Cabin Camp
Friday 22nd Foundation Day Camp
Monday 25th -Tuesday 26th Grade 1/2 Camp - Overnight Camp "Camp Weekaway"
Wednesday 27th - Friday 29th Grade 5/6 Camp - The Ranch
Monday 2nd Professional Practice Day (Student Free) - If your child requires care, please book in at https://theircare.com.au/
Tuesday 3rd Whole School Colour Run Day @ L B Davern
Friday 6th Funfields - End of Year Pool Party - Consent and payment due today
Friday 6th Working Bee - 1/2L, 3/4G & 3/4B 2.30pm- 3.30pm Parents welcome
Thursday 19th Funfields - End of Year Pool Party
Friday 20th Last Day Term 4


Bring It On Aussies

Donโ€™t forget to get your green and gold on this Friday. We want to see a sea of our national colours in support of our Aussies who are competing in Paris.


Foundation 100 Days of School

Our Foundation students celebrate 100 days of school on Thursday โ€“ a significant first milestone. By my calculations, roughly only 2500 to go before graduating secondary school!!! Iโ€™m sure we will see a few photo highlights of the celebrations on our schools official Facebook group. https://www.facebook.com/groups/3619617971385556.

School Review

Today is our third day of our four-day school review and Iโ€™m in complete awe of all that our community has achieved. The panel who is made up of two โ€˜challenge partnersโ€™, and a massive thank you must go to a principal colleague, Michael Kent from Watsonia Heights and Robyn Woolley who works within our region. We then have our regional SEIL โ€“ Rhonda Cole and our school reviewer, David Mann. The last two days the panel have been involved in what we term โ€˜field workโ€™. The panel were blown away with the how and what we are doing at Wandong, not to mention the outstanding results we are achieving together. I canโ€™t express how truly grateful I am for our team that we have around every single learner at Wandong. Again, thank you times a million to all the staff, students and community who have provided such insight and invaluable feedback.


Please be reminded of the schoolโ€™s uniform policy that requires all students to wear appropriate and approved school uniform. Should any families be experiencing difficulties with purchasing uniform, please reach out to me or the office to discuss possible supports.

We have had a reported case of chickenpox…

Symptoms of chickenpox: The symptoms of chickenpox include: low-grade fever general discomfort, illness or lack of wellbeing (malaise) intensely itchy skin rash โ€“ appears as small blisters surrounded by irregularly-shaped patches of inflamed skin known as โ€˜dew drop on a rose petalโ€™ (blisters first form on the body and later on the head and limbs and the blisters usually burst and develop crusts after about five days) ulcers โ€“ may develop in certain areas, including the mouth genital area.

Chickenpox is infectious 2 days prior to the onset of the rash until the blisters have all crusted into scabs. This is usually about 5 days after they appear. Children must not attend school during this time.

Please also note that pregnant women and newborn babies should not be exposed to people with active chickenpox.

See the link below for more information.


Chickenpox (varicella) is a highly contagious viral disease caused by the varicella-zoster virus (VZV). The main symptom is a blistering skin rash. Outbreaks are more common in winter and early spring. Children and adults can be immunised against chickenpox.

Parent Guardian Opinion Survey


Our school is conducting a survey to find out what parents think of our school. The Parent/Caregiver/Guardian Opinion Survey is an annual survey offered by the Department of Education and Training that is conducted amongst a sample of randomly selected families. It is designed to assist schools in gaining an understanding of familiesโ€™ perceptions of school climate, student behaviour, student engagement and experiences of remote and flexible learning. Our school will use the survey results to help inform and direct future school planning and improvement strategies.

The survey will be conducted online, only takes 20 minutes to complete, and can be accessed at any convenient time within the fieldwork period on desktop computers, laptops, tablets or smartphones.

150 families will be invited to participate and this is open Monday 29th. Please ensure you action this asap if you receive this email.



To recognise the achievement of many of our students during this yearโ€™s NAPLAN testing, we will be holding an in-person awards ceremony on Thursday 29th August at 2:45pm, on the basketball court/school hall (weather permitting). All 3-6 students will be in attendance, and we would like to welcome families to also share in this celebration of learning. 

Our award recipients will include:

  • The highest achieving students in each curricular category (Reading, Writing, Spelling and Numeracy)
  • Students achieving in the top proficiency band for all curricular areas (Reading, Writing, Spelling and Numeracy)
  • Students who achieved ‘Exceeding’ in one or more curricular areas (Reading, Writing, Spelling and Numeracy)

Students will receive a certificate of Excellence or Achievement, to recognise their incredible effort in academia. Please note that all children who have achieved a certificate, will also be able to find this on their Compass chronicle/news feed. These will be uploaded in the coming week.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s teacher, Ms Pollock or myself.

We are looking forward to celebrating the fantastic achievements of our students, with our community!


Curriculum Day Reminder โ€“ Friday 16th of August

Just a reminder that Friday the 16th of August is our whole school pupil free Curriculum Day for Term Three. Please ensure you are booked in with TheirCare if you require supervision for your child on this day.


SEW in 1/2H

As part of our NAIDOC week learning, 1/2H watched a video of singer, Christine Anu, being interviewed by some children about what being indigenous means to her. One of the interview questions was โ€˜What is your one wish for the future?โ€™ This led to an interesting discussion and thinking around what we want for our futures. It is safe to say the future is in good hands with these creative, curious and compassionate young minds and hearts!


Office Hours :- 8:30am until 3:55pm

Picking Up Children โ€“ Please help our admin team!

In exceptional circumstances and emergencies, at times children need to be collected from school early. Please help our wonderful administration team by ensuring that this is not done during the break times of 11:00-11:30am and 1:45-2:30pm. When children are outside playing with their friends, they do not hear the announcements and it is difficult to have a staff member unlock classrooms to collect bags and belongings. Please help support our classroom programs by waiting until 3:30pm to collect children. The admin area is growing quite hectic in the afternoons with families collecting children early Thank you in advance for your support and understanding.

IMPORTANT โ€“ Mobile Phone/Watch/Device Policy

In 2020, DET introduced strict restrictions on the use of any device with access to a cellular system, with or without a physical connection to a network. Where students bring a device of this type to school, it MUST be placed in secure storage at the office.

IMPORTANT โ€“ Student Information

It is very important we have up-to-date information for all students. Please check Compass and update current home & email address, phone numbers & medical details.

Wet Weather

We would like to request parents/guardians of students to pack a set of spare uniform items in their childโ€™s bag, including a waterproof bag. We have limited spare uniform at the office. If your child has recently needed to borrow items from our sick bay, please wash and return them to the office as soon as possible.

Thanks Administration Team

Uniform Orders


**Please remember to put your child’s full name on their uniform. Please don’t use initials, as this makes it harder for us to find the owner.

**Please remember to order a bag for smaller orders & for larger orders select two.

If you order a bag, the order can be placed in your child’s or siblings’ tub for convenience. If not, you will need to supply a bag or make arrangements to collect your order.



When ordering uniforms through Compass, use Canteen. See below for how to order

Going paperless will reduce waste & conserve our natural resources.

Please Note:

Select the following day as your order date if the current date is closed, even if it’s a weekend!

Log into the Compass App.

Select more at bottom of screen.ย 

Click on the Canteen button.



Select Place Order at bottom of screen.

Select Student.

Select Date. (Will have to select next date ifย  current date is cut off)

Select sitting e.g. Uniform



Click on item you require e.g Short Sleeve Polo.

Select how many you want and then select the size.

Add to cart.

Repeat for other items e.g. Bomber Jacket.

View Cart

Proceed to Checkout or create another order.

Parking in the church carpark


Next Meeting: 11th September,ย  2024 @ 9.15am

ย Look what PAFA is up to in term 3.

We will send out information as it becomes available on each of these events and let you know how you can participate!

If there is anyone whoโ€™d like to help at the Fatherโ€™s Day stall or sorting and delivering cookie orders or pizza please donโ€™t hesitate to get in contact. stephanie.domino@education.vic.gov.au


About the program

TheirCare provides adventurous and stimulating Before & After School Care Programs in a safe environment for all children. During sessions children develop life skills, friendships, confidence and creativity through play.

Wandong Primary School has partnered with TheirCare to provide this service to your school which includes quality care, booking flexibility, amazing programming for your children and commitment to deliver on our promise to your school community.

Operation Times Fees* Out of Pocket Average^
Before School Care 6:30am - 8:45am $21.00 $3.15 - $21.00 $4.83
After School Care 3:30pm - 6:30pm $23.00 $3.45 - $23.00 $5.29
Pupil Free Day 6:30am - 6.30pm $103.00 $15.45 - $103.00 $23.69
Holiday Program 6:30am - 6.30pm $103.00 $15.45 - $103.00 $23.69
Late Booking Cancellation Fee Within 48 hours $5.00
Cancellation Fee Same Day Full Fee See BSC/ASC

Service Phone Number: 0497 877 771ย  Your Service coordinator will be available during sessions times.ย  TheirCare support is available during office hours if required on 1300 072 410

How to Enrol

Visit Theircare website: www.theircare.com.au and click on ‘Book Now’ in the top right hand corner to register your child’s details.

*Standard fees excluding incursions/excursion costs

^Based on ABS published average family income for the suburb the school is located


Wandong Primary is pleased to offer instrumental lessons for students from Foundation to grade 6.

Thank you for your interest in the Instrumental Music Program at Wandong
Primary School.
Our program provides students with the opportunity to develop musicianship
skills, build confidence and collaborate with others to deliver performances.
Above all, we aim to foster peoples love of music, have fun and stay creative!

Students may choose from the following 

Please find below, the conditions of our program and Enrolment form.

Please read carefully to ensure your childโ€™s maximum involvement and development.

In order to continue and develop their skills, students are encouraged to
show evidence of regular practice. Below is a recommended guide for weekly
practice times:

Beginners: 15-20 minutes, 3 days a week
After one year: 30 minutes, 4 days a week
After two years: 40 minutes, 5-6 days a week

Payment Terms & Withdrawal from the Instrumental Music Program

1. An invoice will be sent at the beginning of each term and is to be paid,
in full, via Direct Deposit.
2. Fees must be paid by the due date. Failure to do so will result in lessons
being stooped until payment has been made.
3. Unless notified, the instrumental teacher assumes all students in the
program will automatically continue lessons each term. A verbal or written
notification to the instrumental teacher is required to withdraw students
from the program. Notice needs to be received 2 weeks prior to the end
of the term, to avoid incurring the next termโ€™s fees.

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