May 22nd, 2024

'The Puggle Post'


"Wandong Primary School...Making a difference by developing confident, independent and resilient learners who strive for personal excellence."

What's on What's Due

May 2024
Friday 24th Working Bee - 1/2T, 3/4E & 3/4M 2.30pm - 3.30pm Parents welcome
Friday 24th Second Hand Uniform Sale - 3pm - 3.45pm $5 per item - Cash only
Friday 24th The Compass Award - Consent and payment due today
Sunday 26th Pizza Day - Orders close today -Use date of 6th June to order in compass
Sunday 26th National Sorry Day
Monday 27th - Friday 31st Reconciliation Week
Thursday 30th 2024 Foundation Cook book - Ordering closes today
Friday 31st 2024 Foundation Cook book - Order using this date.
Friday 31st Foundation Excursion - VEG Education - Consent due today
JUNE 2024
Monday 3rd Curriculum Day - No Students โ€“ If your child requires care, please book in at
Tuesday 4th Professional Practice Day - If your child requires care, please book in at
Tuesday 4th Whittlesea Division Cross Country - Selected Students - Consent due
Wednesday 5th Grade 3/4 Wellbeing Incursion - Consent and payment due today
Wednesday 5th Whittlesea Division Cross Country - Selected students
Thursday 6th Pizza Day
Monday 10th Kings Birthday Holiday
Wednesday 12th Foundation C & M Excursion - VEG Education
Friday 14th Working Bee - FM, 1/2M & 5/6F 2.30pm - 3.30pm Parents welcome
Friday 14th Foundation A & S Excursion - VEG Education
Wednesday 19th NMR Cross Country - Selected students only
Thursday 20th Grade 3/4 Wellbeing Incursion
Wednesday 26th Three Way Conferences - Alternate Day - If your child requires care, please book in at
Friday 28th Community connections - breakfast morning (pancakes on bbq and coffee van) 9:00 am - 10:00am
Friday 28th Last Day Term 2
JULY 2024
Monday 15th First Day Term 3
Monday 15th - Friday 19th NAIDOC Week
Monday 12th - Friday 16th National Science Week in 2024
Thursday 15th Working Bee - FS, 1/2H & 5/6C 2.30pm - 3.30pm Parents welcome
Monday 19th Launch Pad Program For Parents - Special evening for those with a submitted application 6pm - 7pm
Monday 19th - 23rd August Book Week 2024 - Reading is Magic
Wednesday 28th Father's Day Stall
Thursday 29th Father's Day Stall - Catch up day
Wednesday 4th Foundation Water Safety Program - Consent due
Monday 9th - Friday 13th Foundation Water Safety Program
Friday 13th Working Bee - FA, 1/2G, 5/6E 2.30pm- 3.30pm Parents welcome
Friday 1st Foundation Day Camp - Consent and payment due today
Friday 1st Grade 1/2 Camp - Consent and payment due today
Friday 1st Grade 3/4 Camp - Consent and payment due today
Friday 1st Grade 5/6 Camp - Consent and payment due today
Monday 4th Curriculum Day - No Students โ€“ If your child requires care, please book in at
Friday 8th Working Bee - FC, 1/2W & 5/6B 2.30pm- 3.30pm Parents welcome
Monday 18th - Wednesday 20th Grade 3/4 Camp - Log Cabin Camp
Friday 22nd Foundation Day Camp
Monday 25th -Tuesday 26th Grade 1/2 Camp - Overnight Camp "Camp Weekaway"
Wednesday 27th - Friday 29th Grade 5/6 Camp - The Ranch
Monday 2nd Professional Practice Day (Student Free) - If your child requires care, please book in at
Tuesday 3rd Whole School Colour Run Day @ L B Davern
Friday 6th Working Bee - 1/2L, 3/4G & 3/4B 2.30pm- 3.30pm Parents welcome


Picking Up Children โ€“ Please help our admin team

In exceptional circumstances and emergencies, at times children need to be collected from school early. Please help our wonderful administration team by ensuring that this is not done during break times 11:00-11:30am and 1:30-2:30pm.ย 

When children are outside playing with their friends, they do not hear the announcements and it is also difficult to have a staff member unlock classrooms to collect bags and belongings. Please also help support our classroom programs by waiting until 3:30pm to collect children. The admin area is growing quite hectic in the afternoons with families collecting children early. Thank you in advance for your support and understanding.

LAST REMINDER 2025 Enrolments

Please note that your child must turn five on or before 30th April 2025 to be enrolled to start prep in 2025. To complete the enrolment application, you are required to bring along a Birth Certificate and the School Immunisation Certificate that should have been sent to all families who have a four-year-old who has completed the prescribed immunisation program. Further information about immunisation can be obtained from the school or the local city council office.ย 

Please remember to get your enrolment forms in as soon as possible as we will be sending out confirmation letters in August to those where we arenโ€™t the closest school.

We currently have more enrolments than we can accept.


Wearing full school uniform is an important aspect of our school values โ€“ specifically, Pride. As we enter the colder months, I just wanted to draw your attention to our uniform policy as there seem to be lots of students out of uniform and not wearing clothing appropriate for the season. The following seem to be becoming a common occurrence; various coloured hoodies, multi-coloured socks, nail polish, jewellery, branded clothing and in-appropriate footwear. If there is a valid reason that your child is unable to wear the correct school uniform, we kindly ask that you contact a member of the leadership team to discuss this further. If this is isnโ€™t provided and your child is out of uniform, you will be contacted directly. Thank you for supporting us in upholding our school values and ensure that all students are actively taking pride in our school.


Please note that jackets, of any colour are permitted to be worn outside when it is cold, but must be removed when entering the classroom. We do have Wandong beanies available through the office. Please ensure children come dressed and prepared for the cold winter days we are having in Wandong.

National Reconciliation Week

National Sorry Day is on this Sunday the 26th of May, and will be followed by National Reconciliation Week.

Wandong will base content around these important themes during Reconciliation week to enhance the theme in our own community.

Duty of Care โ€“ Supervision Before and After School

Please be aware that staff are on duty no earlier than 8.40am each morning and 3.40pm each afternoon. Any students who are onsite prior to 8.40am and after 3.40pm will be taken to OSHC. Please ensure you have enrolled your child with Their Care to ensure your child is appropriately supervised.




This week in SEW, Foundation C took part in a lesson getting to know their soon-to-be teacher, Mrs Rachel Downey.

Mrs Downey started the lesson by sharing with the students some interesting facts about herself and then the students went back to their desks to complete some writing and a picture which included something they wanted Mrs Downey to know about them.

The students are working on their resilience around change in the classroom and building relationships with their new teacher.

Great work FC!


Office Hours :- 8:30am until 3:55pm

Picking Up Children โ€“ Please help our admin team!

In exceptional circumstances and emergencies, at times children need to be collected from school early. Please help our wonderful administration team by ensuring that this is not done during the break times of 11:00-11:30am and 1:45-2:30pm. When children are outside playing with their friends, they do not hear the announcements and it is difficult to have a staff member unlock classrooms to collect bags and belongings. Please help support our classroom programs by waiting until 3:30pm to collect children. The admin area is growing quite hectic in the afternoons with families collecting children early Thank you in advance for your support and understanding.

IMPORTANT โ€“ Mobile Phone/Watch/Device Policy

In 2020, DET introduced strict restrictions on the use of any device with access to a cellular system, with or without a physical connection to a network. Where students bring a device of this type to school, it MUST be placed in secure storage at the office.

IMPORTANT โ€“ Student Information

It is very important we have up-to-date information for all students. Please check Compass and update current home & email addresses, phone numbers & medical details.

Wet Weather

We would like to request parents/guardians of students to pack a set of spare uniform items in their childโ€™s bag, including a waterproof bag. We have limited spare uniform at the office. If your child has recently needed to borrow items from our sick bay, please wash and return them to the office as soon as possible.

Thanks Administration Team

Uniform Orders

****Please remember to order a bag for smaller orders & for larger orders select two.

If you order a bag, the order can be placed in your child’s or siblings’ tub for convenience. If not, you will need to supply a bag or make arrangements to collect your order.


When ordering uniforms through Compass, use Canteen. See below for how to order

Going paperless will reduce waste & conserve our natural resources.

Please Note:

Select the following day as your order date if the current date is closed, even if it’s a weekend!

Log into the Compass App.

Select more at bottom of screen.ย 

Click on the Canteen button.



Select Place Order at bottom of screen.

Select Student.

Select Date. (Will have to select next date ifย  current date is cut off)

Select sitting e.g. Uniform



Click on item you require e.g Short Sleeve Polo.

Select how many you want and then select the size.

Add to cart.

Repeat for other items e.g. Bomber Jacket.

View Cart

Proceed to Checkout or create another order.

Parking in the church carpark


Next Meeting: 12th June 2024



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