Strategic Planning


Strategic Planning & Annual Report


The Strategic Plan is developed following a four yearly school review. Wandong Primary School has its most recent review in 2016. 

The Strategic Plan is then broken into yearly Annual Implementation Plans, which guide the yearly provision of teaching and learning programs, the delivery of professional learning, the focus of student pathways and transitions and the allocation of financial and human resources.

In 2016, undertook our most recent four year review, comparing our growth and progress over the past four years.  A review process is very exciting as it allows the school to reflect on what has been achieved over this period of time and then decide upon the next steps in the learning journey.

As a result of this review, it was decided that Wandong Primary School was well on the way to achieving current goals.  Whilst a few new strategies will be implemented, the majority of the implementation of the new plan focusses around imbedding excellent practice into every one of our classrooms and specialist areas. 

Both the School Strategic Plan and the 2024 AIP – Actions Outcomes and Monitoring are linked to this page for your perusal.

The Annual Report 2023 can be found here.

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