




State School 1277 Wandong, originally Lightwood Flat Common School, commenced operation on 23rd January, 1871, in a crude wooden building 26′ x 12′. The first head teacher, Mr A. Scott, enrolled 51 children.


In 1874 the Department purchased two acres of land on the S.E. corner of Mrs Stafford’s selection for the sum of five pounds, six miles from Wallan and eight miles north of Merriang, County of Dalhousie, Parish of Bylands. On this land McDougall and Johnston erected a new school and residence at a cost of 345 pounds, the school being one room 30′ x 15′. This was subsequently opened by the Headmistress Mrs. C. Standish on 11th January, 1875.


An early inspector’s report describes the original school, “The present school was put up from a teacher’s residence. The roof is of shingles and the sides are palings nailed to rough uprights. The floor is the natural ground.”

In September of 1880, application was made to have the school moved to Wandong. In July 1881, Roche and Co of Kilmore submitted a tender for the taking down and re-erecting of the school and quarters from Lightwood Flat to Wandong at a cost of 127 pounds 9 shillings. Worked commenced on May 24th, 1882. At the time the Head Master was Mr H.W. Fay who taught at both schools from 1879 to 1890.

In 1882, the school and residence were removed to Wandong, this being a more central position as at this time most of the population lived in the area of Wandong Railway Station, to a site of two acres just east of the railway, which was purchased from Mr. Hoffman. In approximately 1894, the town water supply was connected to the school. The four roomed attached residence was removed and a larger one built in 1915. This was subsequently destroyed by fire in 1932 and the new residence brought from Longwood. Minor additions were made to the school until 1968 when a new two roomed school was erected.

The first school committee was formed on 10th July 1911, office bearers being Mr. Quillinan-Chairman, Mr Hayes-Correspondent and Mr Williams-Treasurer.


Playground equipment was installed by the School Committee in 1952 with the help of subsidies and with its variety of mature trees, the school surrounds provided a pleasant play area for the children.

Following negotiations between the Kilmore Shire council and the School Committee from 1963 to 1965, an agreement was drawn up whereby an area of five acres formerly known as ‘Regrowth Plantation” was granted to Wandong State School for a period of thirty years. The children planted 400 trees annually while members of the School Committee conscientiously maintained and thinned the valuable asset.

On September 23rd 1968, the rooms were occupied by the 38 children attending. Head Teacher, Mr Jim Rogers and W.A. Mrs J. Rogers. In November 1968, the old school was demolished. Extensive site works which incorporated levelling, erectionof garden plots, a retaining wall and a basketball court, were planned.

After considerable negiations, the Education Department purchased the land adjoining the original school site and in October 1990, staff moved into the new brick buildings fronting Affleck Street. The official opening took place on February 17th 1991.

– 353 students were enrolled with a teaching staff of 20 teachers in 2016.

– 445 students were enrolled with a teaching staff of 39 teachers and education support in 2018.
– 452 students were enrolled with a teaching staff of 46 teachers and education support in 2019.

In 2016, the Department purchased the ajoining block of land previously owned by Mr. L. B. Davern to enable the school to expand. Planning for the future has begun and plans are being submitted regarding the future buildings. Stage one of the future buildings began in February, 2019.

Wandong Primary School continues to have a growing enrolment.

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