Our School

Wandong Primary School

Our School


Our Vision & Values

Making a difference by developing confident, independent and resilient learners who strive for personal excellence.

“Pride”, “Kindness” and “Curiosity”

Our Mission

– Inspire others to learn

– Provide ongoing feedback

– Build self esteem

– Model integrity

Wandong Primary School is located approximately sixty kilometres north of Melbourne, just off the Hume Highway. It is in a semi-rural township and currently has a school population of 480 students. Enrolments are steadily increasing due to the development of new housing estates and the ease with which families can access employment either within the neighbouring townships or in the outlying areas of Melbourne. Wandong Primary School has a low-medium SFOE (Student Family Occupation Education) band with an index of 0.4100.

Wandong has a well-established leadership team with two Principal Class (Principal and Assistant Principal), three Learning Specialists (F-2 and 3-6 Teaching and Learning Coaches and a Wellbeing Leader). Wandong has a 20-class grade structure with four Foundation, five classes of One/Two, six classes of Three/Four and five classes of Five/Six. The 26 full-time equivalent teaching staff who are supported by 17 Integration Support Staff and four administration staff. Every team is capably led by a PLC leader and Co-leader, including our English, Mathematics and Wellbeing Strategic Teams.

The positive and supportive culture of our school is the result of a consistently delivered School Wide Positive Behaviour process that reinforces and teaches students about the expected behaviours in the different school environments. At Wandong P.S. we develop positive, safe, supportive learning cultures through a consistent focus on demonstrating our School Values of “Pride”, “Kindness” and “Curiosity”.

Our school prides itself on our commitment towards inclusive education and an undertaking to provide differentiated learning programs, which are designed to cater to each individual child’s point of need. Our school philosophy is based on the belief that all students have the ability to achieve their full potential within a culture of collaboration, shared responsibility and high expectations.

Wandong Primary School provides a rigorous curriculum encompassing all expectations of the Victorian Curriculum. A strong evidenced-based English and Mathematics program provides the core of a diverse whole school curriculum. Integrated units of inquiry encompass all eight learning areas, with the four capabilities interwoven into this curriculum design at each level of the school. Specialist teaching staff deliver learning in the areas of Visual Arts, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), Performing Arts, Physical Education and AUSLAN.


Early identification and support for students at risk is key in our multi-tiered response approach to intervention. Our RTI process begins with high-quality instruction and universal screening of all children. At Wandong, we understand that some children need more time and practice to learn fundamental Reading and Writing skills and some learners will need interventions at increasing levels of intensity to accelerate their rate of learning, which is closely monitored.

Additional extracurricular activities include a Foundation to Grade Six camping program, school concerts, a swimming program, a sporting schools program and excursions within the local area and beyond.

The school Out of School Hours Care (OSHC) is managed and regulated by TheirCare and can provide care from 7:00am in the morning and until 6:00pm in the evening.

Students are encouraged to reach their potential through a stimulating, challenging curriculum and school environment. Social and cultural acceptance and a community atmosphere has enabled students, staff, council and community to interact creatively and positively. We are proud of the opportunities that our students have at Wandong Primary School.


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