Principal's Message

Wandong Primary School
Principal's Welcome

I welcome the opportunity to introduce you to Wandong Primary School. I am very proud to be the principal of this amazing community whose reputation resides with the exceptional students, dedicated teachers of calibre and family support that ensures a strong link between home and school. We are a community whose decisions place students first.
I believe that having quality, inspirational and passionate teachers is essential to a school’s success. To borrow John Hattie’s words; “Teachers should build classroom climates where errors are welcome, student engagement is the norm, questioning is high and students gain reputations as effective learners.”
Our collaborative approach to planning for all our children is maximized by the experience and expertise we are able to tap into with our diversely qualified teaching staff. We are proud to be an inclusive school! Wandong has a strong culture of high expectations and is committed to excellence. Our staff have an unrelenting determination for everyone to succeed.
Learning is more than an academic pursuit; it is a ‘total picture’, which provides a balance between a student’s intellectual, physical, emotional and relational needs. We are passionate about challenging our students at their point of need and for supporting children who require additional help with a strong focus on pastoral care and resilience.
Students at Wandong Primary School participate in a wide range of cultural, technological, environmental, creative and sporting events with our specialist subjects of Arts, AUSLAN, Physical Education and Science.
Wandong also encourages and expects all of our children to become independent learners and to develop their leadership skills. We have a strong leadership program which creates seamless links between Student Council, Student Leadership and School Council.
Our climate for learning is exceptional. We work with our students in a collaborative and orderly atmosphere of mutual respect and trust. This gives them a sense of belonging and a pride in our school and in themselves, and helps them fully realise their potential. We also have excellent partnerships with parents and our local community.
Kelly Morrow - Principal