Extra-Curricular Opportunities

We offer camps at every year-level of our school, including a day camp for our Foundation students and overnight camps for Grades One to Six.
Our excursions compliment the learning which happens inside of our classrooms and gives our students a ‘hands on’ look at curriculum topics.
Our teachers provide immersion days and incursions each term to launch their inquiry units and to keep student engagement levels high throughout the term. Recently our students got to live a day in the past, including churning their own butter, dying their own clothes, making candles, baking damper and attending a school lesson from the 1800s.
Wandong Primary School has a long-standing relationship with La Trobe University and Quantum (The Centre of Excellence and Innovation in STEM Education). Each year our students are able to participate in Science and ICT programs offsite, including biology, physical forces, coding and 3D printing.
We offer a variety of sporting opportunities for our students and have supported many children to reach for their dreams in a variety of sporting arenas. This includes interschool sports, Bike Education, district, state and national competitions.
From tree planting, market farming and animal care, to sustainability days, we are enthusiastic about encouraging sustainable change, especially in our semi-rural setting. Our revamped inquiry studies also offer students in Grades Three to Six the chance to design tiny home, off-grid living scenarios and to design and test their solutions to solve world hunger, including aquaponics and vertical growing.
Our local police and CFA heroes are familiar faces and our students have the chance to meet and learn from the people who help to keep them and our community safe. Our students also get to spend time out in their community visiting local businesses and making the most of the extensive walking trails around our beautiful town.
Our senior students learn CPR from trained professionals and get their own certification.
Our student leaders attend the annual National Young Leaders Day in Melbourne and hear from guest speakers with a world of experience in leading and inspiring others.
Wandong Primary School has an active Parents and Friends Association (PAFA) who work with our teachers to arrange fun events, such as our annual Colour Run. We also hold regular working bees, Parent and Grandparent’s Days, celebrate 100 days of school and have plenty of dress-up days! We also run several whole-school events, including athletics and swimming carnivals.
Students participate in the Victorian High Ability Program to challenge and extend themselves in areas of personal academic strength.